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Monitoring and Performance. Prometheus, Grafana, APMs and more

Monitoring and Performance. Prometheus, Grafana, APMs and more


OpenShift Cluster Monitoring Built-in solutions

OpenShift 3.11 Metrics and Logging

OpenShift Container Platform Monitoring ships with a Prometheus instance for cluster monitoring and a central Alertmanager cluster. In addition to Prometheus and Alertmanager, OpenShift Container Platform Monitoring also includes a Grafana instance as well as pre-built dashboards for cluster monitoring troubleshooting. The Grafana instance that is provided with the monitoring stack, along with its dashboards, is read-only.

Monitoring Component Release URL
ElasticSearch 5 OpenShift 3.11 Metrics & Logging
Fluentd 0.12 OpenShift 3.11 Metrics & Logging
Kibana 5.6.13 kibana 5.6.13
Prometheus 2.3.2 OpenShift 3.11 Prometheus Cluster Monitoring
Prometheus Operator Prometheus Operator technical preview
Prometheus Alert Manager 0.15.1 OpenShift 3.11 Configuring Prometheus Alert Manager
Grafana 5.2.3 OpenShift 3.11 Prometheus Cluster Monitoring
Prometheus and Grafana

openshift3 Monitoring

Custom Grafana Dashboard for OpenShift 3.11

By default OpenShift 3.11 Grafana is a read-only instance. Many organizations may want to add new custom dashboards. This custom grafana will interact with existing Prometheus and will also add all out-of-the-box dashboards plus few more interesting dashboards which may require from day to day operation. Custom Grafana pod uses OpenShift oAuth to authenticate users and assigns “Admin” role to all users so that users can create their own dashboards for additional monitoring.

Getting Started with Custom Dashboarding on OpenShift using Grafana. This repository contains scaffolding and automation for developing a custom dashboarding strategy on OpenShift using the OpenShift Monitoring stac

Capacity Management Grafana Dashboard

This repo adds a capacity management Grafana dashboard. The intent of this dashboard is to answer a single question: Do I need a new node? . We believe this is the most important question when setting up a capacity management process. We are aware that this is not the only question a capacity management process may need to be able to answer. Thus, this should be considered as the starting point for organizations to build their capacity management process.

Software Delivery Metrics Grafana Dashboard

This repo contains tooling to help organizations measure Software Delivery and Value Stream metrics.

Prometheus for OpenShift 3.11

This repo contains example components for running either an operational Prometheus setup for your OpenShift cluster, or deploying a standalone secured Prometheus instance for configurating yourself.

OpenShift 4

OpenShift Container Platform includes a pre-configured, pre-installed, and self-updating monitoring stack that is based on the Prometheus open source project and its wider eco-system. It provides monitoring of cluster components and includes a set of alerts to immediately notify the cluster administrator about any occurring problems and a set of Grafana dashboards. The cluster monitoring stack is only supported for monitoring OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

OpenShift Cluster Monitoring components cannot be extended since they are read only.

Monitor your own services (technology preview): The existing monitoring stack can be extended so you can configure monitoring for your own Services.

Monitoring Component Deployed By Default OCP 4.1 OCP 4.2 OCP 4.3 OCP 4.4
ElasticSearch No
Fluentd No 0.12.43
Kibana No 5.6.13
Prometheus Yes 2.7.2 2.14.0 2.15.2
Prometheus Operator Yes 0.34.0 0.35.1
Prometheus Alert Manager Yes 0.16.2 0.19.0 0.20.0
kube-state-metrics Yes 1.8.0 1.9.5
Grafana Yes 5.4.3 6.2.4 6.4.3 6.5.3


prometheus architecture

Prometheus Storage

  • Proporciona etiquetado clave-valor y “time-series”. La propia documentaciĂłn de Prometheus explica cĂłmo se gestiona el almacenamiento en disco (Prometheus Time-Series DB). La ingestiĂłn de datos se agrupa en bloques de dos horas, donde cada bloque es un directorio conteniendo uno o mĂĄs “chunk files” (los datos), ademĂĄs de un fichero de metadatos y un fichero index:
  • Almacenamiento de datos en disco (Prometheus Time-Series DB):
  • Un proceso en segundo plano compacta los bloques de dos horas en otros mĂĄs grandes.
  • Es posible almacenar los datos en otras soluciones de “Time-Series Database” como InfluxDB.
Scalability, High Availability (HA) and Long-Term Storage
  • Prometheus fue diseñado para ser fĂĄcil de desplegar. Es extremadamente fĂĄcil ponerlo en marcha, recoger algunas mĂ©tricas, y empezar a construir nuestra propia herramienta de monitorizaciĂłn. Las cosas se complican cuando se intenta operar a un nivel de escalado considerable.
  • Para entender si esto va a ser un problema, conviene plantearse las siguiente preguntas:
    • ÂżCuĂĄntas mĂ©tricas puede ingerir el sistema de monitorizaciĂłn y cuĂĄntas son necesarias?
    • ÂżCuĂĄl es la cardinalidad de las mĂ©tricas? La cardinalidad es el nĂșmero de etiquetas que cada mĂ©trica puede tener. Es una cuestiĂłn muy frecuente en las mĂ©tricas pertenecientes a entornos dinĂĄmicos donde a los contenedores se les asignan un ID Ăł nombre diferente cada vez que son lanzados, reiniciados o movidos entre nodos (caso de kubernetes).
    • ÂżEs necesaria la Alta Disponibilidad (HA)?
    • ÂżDurante cuĂĄnto tiempo es necesario mantener las mĂ©tricas y con quĂ© resoluciĂłn?
  • La implementaciĂłn de HA es laboriosa porque la funcionalidad de cluster requiere añadir plugins de terceros al servidor Prometheus. Es necesario tratar con “backups” y “restores”, y el almacenamiento de mĂ©tricas por un periodo de tiempo extendido harĂĄ que la base de datos crezca exponencialmente. Los servidores Prometheus proporcionan almacenamiento persistente, pero Prometheus no fue creado para el almacenamiento distribuido de mĂ©tricas a lo largo de mĂșltiples nodos de un cluster con replicaciĂłn y capacidad curativa (como es el caso de Kubernetes). Esto es conocido como “almacenamiento a largo-plazo” (Long-Term) y actualmente es un requisito en unos pocos casos de uso, por ejemplo en la planificaciĂłn de la capacidad para monitorizar cĂłmo la infraestructura necesita evolucionar, contracargos para facturar diferentes equipos Ăł departamentos para un caso especĂ­fico que han hecho de la infraestructura, anĂĄlisis de tendencias de uso, o adherirse a regulaciones para verticales especĂ­ficos como banca, seguros, etc.
Storage Solutions for Prometheus
  • Prometheus TSDB
  • Cortex: Provides horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term storage for Prometheus. Cortex allows for storing time series data in a key-value store like Cassandra, AWS DynamoDB, or Google BigTable. It offers a Prometheus compatible query API, and you can push metrics into a write endpoint. This makes it best suited for cloud environments and multi-tenant scenarios like service providers building hosted and managed platforms.
  • Thanos: Open source, highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities.
  • InfluxDB: An open-source time series database (TSDB) developed by InfluxData. It is written in Go and optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics. It also has support for processing data from Graphite.
  • M3: An open source, large-scale metrics platform developed by Uber. It has its own time series database, M3DB. Like Thanos, M3 also uses a side-car container to push the metrics to the DB. In addition, it supports metric deduplication and merging, and provides distributed query support. Although it’s exciting to see attempts to address the challenges of running Prometheus at scale, these are very young projects that are not widely used yet.

Collectors. Software exposing Prometheus metrics

Prometheus Exporters. Plug-in architecture and extensibility with Prometheus Exporters (collectors)
Prometheus Exporters Development. Node Exporter
Prometheus Third-party Collectors/Exporters
OpenTelemetry Collector
Telegraf Collector
Micrometer Collector

Prometheus Alarms and Event Tracking

  • Prometheus no soporta rastreo de eventos (event tracking), pero ofrece un soporte completo de alarmas y gestiĂłn de alarmas. El lenguaje de consultas (queries) de Prometheus permite en cambio implementar rastreo de eventos por cuenta propia.

Prometheus and Cloud Monitoring

  • AWS CloudWatch is supported by Prometheus.

Prometheus Installers

Binaries, source code or Docker
Ansible Roles

Prometheus Operator

kube Prometheus
  • kube-prometheus Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes.
Prometheus Operator with Helm3
Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring Stack based on Prometheus Operator
  • Cluster Monitoring stack for ARM / X86-64 platforms Updated the cluster-monitoring stack for kubernetes to latest versions. Fresh Grafana 7, Prometheus Operator and more. This repository collects Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.

Prometheus SaaS Solutions


  • Grafana
  • Prometheus utiliza plantillas de consola para los dashboards, si bien su curva de aprendizaje de sus mĂșltiples funcionalidades es alta, con una interfaz de usuario insuficiente. Por este motivo es muy habitual utilizar Grafana como interfaz de usuario.
  • Provisioning Grafana 🌟 Las Ășltimas versiones de Grafana permiten la creaciĂłn de “datasources” y “dashboards” con Ansible, mediante las opciones de provisiĂłn de Grafana. Funciona con cualquier “datasource” (Prometheus, InfluxDB, etc), incluyendo la configuraciĂłn de Grafana correspondiente y dejando poco margen para el error humano.

Grafana Dashboards

Monitored Component Collector Dashboard Number URL
ActiveMQ 5.x “classic” Telegraf 10702 Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4
ActiveMQ Artemis/Red Hat AMQ Broker JMX Exporter 9087 Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Message Streams like Kafka/Red Hat AMQ Streams Other 9777

Grafana 7

Proof of Concept: ActiveMQ Monitoring with Prometheus

The aim of this Proof of Concept is to learn Prometheus by example being Red Hat AMQ 7 (broker) on RHEL the application to be monitored. Red Hat AMQ Broker is based on ActiveMQ Artemis, being this the reason why one of the following proof of concepts is done with Artemis (the other one was run in order to learn telegraf, prometheus and grafana). The same solution tested with Artemis on RHEL is valid for Red Hat AMQ 7 Broker on RHEL.

Red Hat AMQ 7 Broker is OpenShift 3.11 compliant as Technical Preview and deployed as Operator.

Red Hat AMQ 7 Operator is fully supported in OpenShift 4.x, initially with Prometheus and Grafana monitoring already setup and maintained by AMQ Operator. It is recommended to check the metrics collected and displayed by AMQ Operator with another Proof of Concept in OpenShift 4.x.

PoC: ActiveMQ 5.x Monitoring with Telegraf Collector, Prometheus and Grafana Dashboard 10702

Deployment and Configuration
  • Systemd
  • Systemctl
systemctl daemon-reload
for service in activemq telegraf prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl status $service; done
for service in activemq telegraf prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl restart $service; done
for service in activemq telegraf prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl stop $service; done
for service in activemq telegraf prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl start $service; done
  • Jolokia Permissions already integrated in ActiveMQ by default. Jolokia permissions have been disabled by renaming “jolokia-access.xml” to “jolokia-access.xmlORIG” (this is a Proof of Concept):
mv /opt/activemq/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/jolokia-access.xml /opt/activemq/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/jolokia-access.xmlORIG
  • Telegraf Jolokia Input Plugin /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/activemq.conf
urls = ["http://localhost:8161/api/jolokia"]
name_prefix = "activemq."
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
### JVM Generic
name  = "OperatingSystem"
mbean = "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem"
paths = ["ProcessCpuLoad","SystemLoadAverage","SystemCpuLoad"]
name  = "jvm_runtime"
mbean = "java.lang:type=Runtime"
paths = ["Uptime"]
name  = "jvm_memory"
mbean = "java.lang:type=Memory"
paths = ["HeapMemoryUsage", "NonHeapMemoryUsage", "ObjectPendingFinalizationCount"]
name     = "jvm_garbage_collector"
mbean    = "java.lang:name=*,type=GarbageCollector"
paths    = ["CollectionTime", "CollectionCount"]
tag_keys = ["name"]
name       = "jvm_memory_pool"
mbean      = "java.lang:name=*,type=MemoryPool"
paths      = ["Usage", "PeakUsage", "CollectionUsage"]
tag_keys   = ["name"]
tag_prefix = "pool_"
name     = "queue"
mbean    = "org.apache.activemq:brokerName=*,destinationName=*,destinationType=Queue,type=Broker"
paths    = ["QueueSize","EnqueueCount","ConsumerCount","DispatchCount","DequeueCount","ProducerCount","InFlightCount"]
tag_keys = ["brokerName","destinationName"]
name     = "topic"
mbean    = "org.apache.activemq:brokerName=*,destinationName=*,destinationType=Topic,type=Broker"
paths    = ["ProducerCount","DequeueCount","ConsumerCount","QueueSize","EnqueueCount"]
tag_keys = ["brokerName","destinationName"]
name     = "broker"
mbean    = "org.apache.activemq:brokerName=*,type=Broker"
paths    = ["TotalConsumerCount","TotalMessageCount","TotalEnqueueCount","TotalDequeueCount","MemoryLimit","MemoryPercentUsage","StoreLimi
tag_keys = ["brokerName"]
  • InfluxDB: Not required.
  • Defautl /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf file is modified to allow Prometheus to collect ActiveMQ metrics by pulling Telegraf metrics:
  # # Configuration for the Prometheus client to spawn
  #   ## Address to listen on
      listen = ":9273"
      ## Path to publish the metrics on.
      path = "/metrics"
  # # Gather ActiveMQ metrics
  #   ## ActiveMQ WebConsole URL
  url = ""
  #   ## Credentials for basic HTTP authentication
  username = "admin"
  password = "admin"
  • scrape_configs in /opt/prometheus/prometheus.yml
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'
      # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
      # scheme defaults to 'http'.
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  - job_name: 'broker'
      - targets: ['localhost:9273']
  • Grafana Dashboard 10702 is imported from Grafana UI -> “import dashboard”. Prometheus data source is connected manually with Grafana via Grafana UI.

PoC: ActiveMQ Artemis Monitoring with Prometheus Metrics Plugin (Micrometer Collector) and Prometheus. Grafana Dashboard not available

Deployment and Configuration
  • systemd
  • systemctl
# systemctl enable artemis
# systemctl daemon-reload

 for service in artemis prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl status $service; done
 for service in artemis prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl restart $service; done
 for service in artemis prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl stop $service; done
 for service in artemis prometheus grafana-server; do systemctl start $service; done
  • Creation of Artemis Broker
cd /var/lib
/opt/artemis/bin/artemis create --addresses --allow-anonymous --home /opt/artemis --host <my_servername.my_domain> --http-host <my_servername.my_domain> --name <my_servername.my_domain> --queues queue1,queue2 --user artemisuser --password artemispassword artemisbroker

Creating ActiveMQ Artemis instance at: /var/lib/artemisbroker

Auto tuning journal ...
done! Your system can make 13.89 writes per millisecond, your journal-buffer-timeout will be 72000

You can now start the broker by executing:

   "/var/lib/artemisbroker/bin/artemis" run

Or you can run the broker in the background using:

   "/var/lib/artemisbroker/bin/artemis-service" start
  • Permissions change in broker directory
# chown -R activemq. /var/lib/artemisbroker/
  • Running artemis broker
# su - activemq
$ cd /var/lib/artemisbroker/
$ /var/lib/artemisbroker/bin/artemis run
  • Artemis Prometehus Console Access. We can now access to Artemis Console via http://my_servername.my_domain:8161/console using the credentials specified during the CLI deployment (artemisuser / artemispassword)

  • Artemis Prometheus Plugin

activemq@my_servername ~]$ pwd
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ cd artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/
[activemq@my_servername artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin]$ mvn install
[INFO] Replacing /home/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/target/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plug
in-1.0.0.CR1.jar with /home/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/target/artemis-prometheus-metrics
[INFO] Dependency-reduced POM written at: /home/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/dependency-re
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin ---
[INFO] Installing /home/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/target/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plu
gin-1.0.0.CR1.jar to /home/activemq/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/1.0.0.CR1/artemis-prometheus-metr
[INFO] Installing /home/activemq/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/dependency-reduced-pom.xml to /home/a
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for artemis-prometheus-metrics-pom 1.0.0.CR1:
[INFO] artemis-prometheus-metrics-pom ..................... SUCCESS [  0.328 s]
[INFO] ActiveMQ Artemis Prometheus Metrics Plugin Servlet . SUCCESS [  7.964 s]
[INFO] ActiveMQ Artemis Prometheus Metrics Plugin ......... SUCCESS [ 34.596 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  43.030 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-04-10T13:36:27+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • New artifact is copied to artemis broker. Artefact artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/target/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin-VERSION.jar is copied to our broker:
[activemq@my_servername artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin]$ cp artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin/target/artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin-
1.0.0.CR1.jar /var/lib/artemisbroker/lib/
  • Edition of file /var/lib/artemisbroker/etc/broker.xml
<metrics-plugin class-name="org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin"/>
  • Creation of /web
[activemq@my_servername artemisbroker]$ mkdir /var/lib/artemisbroker/web
  • Artifact artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin-servlet/target/metrics.war is copied to /web :
[activemq@my_servername artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin]$ cp artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin-servlet/target/metrics.war /var/lib/artem
  • Below web component added to /etc/bootstrap.xml :
[activemq@my_servername artemis-prometheus-metrics-plugin]$ vim /var/lib/artemisbroker/etc/bootstrap.xml
<app url="metrics" war="metrics.war"/>

  • Restart of Artemis Broker
  • Prometheus configuration, scrape_configs in /opt/prometheus/prometheus.yml :
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.

    - targets: ['localhost:9090']
  - job_name: 'broker'
    - targets: ['localhost:8161']

Validation of Artemis Broker Monitoring with JMeter

  • In order to validate our Artemis Broker Monitoring solution we need to “inject traffic/data/metrics” with for example Pub/Sub messages.
  • We can achieve this with a little of java code or by sending messages via Artemis Web Console -> “Operations” tab.
  • Another option is running the jmeter test plans available on Artemis’ github repo. The procedure is described below. Remember to create the queues and addresses (topics) defined in jmeter example test plans.
JMeter Example Test Plans
  • Latest release of Apache JMeter deployed in /opt
  • Library artemis-jms-client-all-2.11.0.jar is copied to $JMETER_HOME/lib :
$ cp /opt/artemis/lib/client/artemis-jms-client-all-2.11.0.jar /opt/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/lib/
  • file is modified with Artemis’ IP address (it is not listening on localhost):
$ vim /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/
$ cat /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/
  • is packaged in a jar file and moved to $JMETER_HOME/lib :
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ cd /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$ ls -l
total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq 11887 Jan 10 16:22 1.jms_p2p_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq  8442 Jan 10 16:22 2.pub_sub_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq   833 Jan 10 16:22
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$ jar -cf artemis-jndi.jar
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$ ls -l
total 32
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq 11887 Jan 10 16:22 1.jms_p2p_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq  8442 Jan 10 16:22 2.pub_sub_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq   946 May 15 08:46 artemis-jndi.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq   833 Jan 10 16:22
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$ cp artemis-jndi.jar /opt/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/lib/
  • Example Test Plans available at Artemis GitHub Repo are run by JMeter (from within the GUI or the CLI):
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ cd /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$ ls -la
total 32
drwxrwxr-x 2 activemq activemq   101 May 15 08:46 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 activemq activemq    19 Jan 10 16:22 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq 11887 Jan 10 16:22 1.jms_p2p_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq  8442 Jan 10 16:22 2.pub_sub_test.jmx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq   946 May 15 08:46 artemis-jndi.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 activemq activemq   833 Jan 10 16:22
[activemq@my_servername jmeter]$
[activemq@my_servername bin]$ cd
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ pwd
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ /opt/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin/ -n -t /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/1.jms_p2p_test.jmx -l results-file-1.txt -j 1.log
[activemq@my_servername ~]$ /opt/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin/ -n -t /opt/artemis/examples/perf/jmeter/2.pub_sub_test.jmx -l results-file-2.txt -j 2.log

  • We can now see metrics displayed on Grafana and Artemis Dashboard:
JMeter Artemis Grafana Artemis Dashboard
jmeter artemis artemis grafana artemis dashboard monitoring


Prometheus and Grafana Interactive Learning


List of Performance Analysis Tools

Thread Dumps. Debugging Java Applications

# Generate N thread dumps of the process PID with an INTERVAL between each dump.
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
   echo Generates Java thread dumps using the jstack command.
   echo usage: $0 process_id repetitions interval
   exit 1
for ((i=1;i<=$N;i++))
   d=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
   echo $i of $N: $dump
   jstack -l $PID > $dump
   curl -X POST --data-binary @./$dump<APIKEY> --header "Content-Type:text"
   sleep $INTERVAL
  • How to run this script from within the POD: ./ 1 15 3, where:
    • “1”: PID of java process (“1” in containers running a single process, check with “ps ux” command).
    • “15”: 15 repetitions or thread dumps
    • “3”: interval of 3 seconds between each thread dump.
  • According to some references only 3 thread dumps captured in a timeframe of 10 seconds is necessary (when we want to troubleshoot a Java issue during a service degradation).
  • Sample thread dump analysis reports generated by fastThread:

Debugging Java Applications on OpenShift and Kubernetes

Distributed Tracing. OpenTelemetry and Jaeger

Microservice Observability with Distributed Tracing.

  • Used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems.
    • Unified standard (open, vendor-neutral API), merge of and
    • “A single set of system components and language-specific telemetry libraries” to standardize how the industry uses metrics, traces, and eventually logs to enable observability.
  • A major component of the OpenTelemetry specification is distributed tracing. 
  • Tracing is about analyzing, recording, and describing transactions.
  • Distributed Tracing: Troubleshooting requests between interconnected cloud-based microservices can’t always be done with logs and metrics alone. This is where distributed tracing comes into play: It provides developers with a detailed view of individual requests as they “hop” through a system of microservices. With distributed tracing you can:
    • Trace the path of a request as it travels across a complex system.
    • Discover the latency of the components along that path.
    • Know which component in the path is creating a bottleneck or failure.
  • Performance: Latency is a very important metric in microservices. Latency problems in one service will impact the overall request latency when chaining calls to different microservices. Every call to a microservice should record a trace, which is basically a record of how much time it took to respond. It’s possible to add more details to the function level, including the action, the result, and the pass to the next service. The hard part is triaging all traces in a request from a client. Usually, a trace ID header has to be sent in every request. If there isn’t one, the logging library creates it and it will represent the first trace in a request. Adding traces with OpenCensus is simply a matter of including the libraries and registering an exporter.
  • Monitoring in a Microservices/Kubernetes World: In distributed system architectures like microservices, having visibility from different perspectives will be critical at troubleshooting time. Many things could happen in a request when there are many parts constantly interacting at the same time. The most common method is to write logs to the stdout and stderr streams.
    • For example, a latency problem in the system could exist because a microservice is not responding correctly. Maybe Kubernetes is restarting the pod too frequently, or perhaps the cluster is out of capacity and can’t schedule any more pods. But for this reason, tools like Istio exist; by injecting a container in every pod, you can get a pretty good baseline of telemetry. Additionally, when you add instrumentation with libraries like OpenCensus, you can deeply understand what’s happening with and within each service.
    • All this information will need a storage location, and as a good practice, you might want to have it a centralized location to provide access to anyone in the team — not just for the operations team.
  • Older Distributed Tracing Solutions:
    • Dapper (Google)
    • Zipkin (A.K.A. OpenZipkin, created by Twitter, inspired by Dapper)
    • Jaeger (Uber Technologies, inspired by Dapper & Zipkin)
    • etc.
  • Medium: Distributed Tracing and Monitoring using OpenCensus
  • Dzone: Zipkin vs. Jaeger: Getting Started With Tracing Learn about Zipkin and Jaeger, how they work to add request tracing to your logging routine, and how to choose which one is the right fit for you.
  • Distributed tracing in a microservices world What is distributed tracing and why is it so important in a microservices environment?
  • 3 open source distributed tracing tools Find performance issues quickly with these tools, which provide a graphical view of what’s happening across complex software systems.
  • OpenTracing, OpenCensus, OpenTelemetry, and New Relic (Best overview of OpenTelemetry)
  • There’s no OpenTelemetry UI, instead Jaeger UI (or any APM like Dynatrace or New Relic) can be used as “Tracing backend + Visualization frontend + Data mining platform” of OpenTelemetry API/SDK.

Jaeger UI

Zipking UI

Jaeger VS OpenTelemetry. How Jaeger works with OpenTelemetry

Jaeger Vs OpenTelemetry

Application Performance Management (APM)

Elastic APM

Elastic APM

Dynatrace APM

Message Queue Monitoring

Messaging Solution Monitoring Solution URL
ActiveMQ 5.8.0+ Dynatrace ref
ActiveMQ Artemis Micrometer Collector + Prometheus ref1, ref2
IBM MQ IBM MQ Exporter for Prometheus ref
Kakfa Dynatrace ref1, ref2, ref3
Kafka Prometheus JMX Exporter ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Kafka Kafka Exporter
Use JMX Exporter to export other Kafka’s metrics
Kafka Kafdrop – Kafka Web UI ref
Kafka ZooNavigator: Web-based ZooKeeper UI ref
Kafka CMAK (Cluster Manager for Apache Kafka, previously known as Kafka Manager) ref
Kafka Xinfra Monitor (renamed from Kafka Monitor, created by Linkedin) ref
Kafka Telegraf + InfluxDB ref
Red Hat AMQ Broker (ActiveMQ Artemis) Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker
To monitor the health and performance of your broker instances, you can use the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. Prometheus is software built for monitoring large, scalable systems and storing historical runtime data over an extended time period. The AMQ Broker Prometheus plugin exports the broker runtime metrics to Prometheus format, enabling you to use Prometheus itself to visualize and run queries on the data.
You can also use a graphical tool, such as Grafana, to configure more advanced visualizations and dashboards for the metrics that the Prometheus plugin collects.
The metrics that the plugin exports to Prometheus format are listed below. A description of each metric is exported along with the metric itself.
ref1, ref2, ref3
Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) JMX, OpenTracing+Jaeger
ZooKeeper, the Kafka broker, Kafka Connect, and the Kafka clients all expose management information using Java Management Extensions (JMX). Most management information is in the form of metrics that are useful for monitoring the condition and performance of your Kafka cluster. Like other Java applications, Kafka provides this management information through managed beans or MBeans.
JMX works at the level of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). To obtain management information, external tools can connect to the JVM that is running ZooKeeper, the Kafka broker, and so on. By default, only tools on the same machine and running as the same user as the JVM are able to connect.
Distributed Tracing with Jaeger:
- Kafka Producers, Kafka Consumers, and Kafka Streams applications (referred to as Kafka clients)
- MirrorMaker and Kafka Connect
- Kafka Bridge
Red Hat AMQ Streams Operator AMQ Streams Operator (Prometheus & Jaeger), strimzi, jmxtrans
How to monitor AMQ Streams Kafka, Zookeeper and Kafka Connect clusters using Prometheus to provide monitoring data for example Grafana dashboards.
Support for distributed tracing in AMQ Streams, using Jaeger:
- You instrument Kafka Producer, Consumer, and Streams API applications for distributed tracing using an OpenTracing client library. This involves adding instrumentation code to these clients, which monitors the execution of individual transactions in order to generate trace data.
- Distributed tracing support is built in to the Kafka Connect, MirrorMaker, and Kafka Bridge components of AMQ Streams. To configure these components for distributed tracing, you configure and update the relevant custom resources.
ref1, ref2, ref3 strimzi, ref4: jmxtrans, ref5: banzai operator
Red Hat AMQ Broker Operator Prometheus (recommended) or Jolokia REST to JMX
To monitor runtime data for brokers in your deployment, use one of these approaches:
- Section 9.1, “Monitoring broker runtime data using Prometheus”
- Section 9.2, “Monitoring broker runtime data using JMX”
In general, using Prometheus is the recommended approach. However, you might choose to use the Jolokia REST interface to JMX if a metric that you need to monitor is not exported by the Prometheus plugin. For more information about the broker runtime metrics that the Prometheus plugin exports, see Section 9.1.1, “Overview of Prometheus metrics”
ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Red Hat AMQ 7 Broker Monitoring solutions based on Prometheus and Grafana

This is a selection of monitoring solutions suitable for RH AMQ 7 Broker based on Prometheus and Grafana:

Environment Collector/Exporter Details/URL
RHEL Prometheus Plugin for AMQ Broker ref
RHEL Prometheus JMX Exporter Same solution applied to ActiveMQ Artemis
OpenShift 3 Prometheus Plugin for AMQ Broker Grafana Dashboard not available, ref1, ref2
OpenShift 4 Prometheus Plugin for AMQ Broker Check if Grafana Dashboard is automatically setup by Red Hat AMQ Operator
OpenShift 3 Prometheus JMX Exporter Grafana Dashboard not available, ref1, ref2

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