- katacoda.com
- learn.openshift.com
- learn.crunchydata.com
- redhatgov.io RedHatGov.io is an open source collection of workshop materials that cover various topics relating to Red Hat’s product portfolio.
- tutorialspoint.com/openshift
- zeef.com: e-learning
- Udemy.com
- Whizlabs Online certification training courses and practice tests.
- Google Play: Learning Solution
- Google Play: TomApp
- Lynda.com Linkedin Learning
- edx.org
- Coursera.org
- codecademy.com
- Udacity.com
- guru99.com
- tutorialspoint.com
- typing.io: Typing Practice for Programmers
- vogella.com
- The Linux Foundation Training
- khanacademy.org
- codely.tv
- ine.com
- GCF LearnFree.org
- wiki.bash-hackers.org